Upon request from the Anime World Order Podcast, Evan and David decided to watch the 1986 anime film Ai City, which is a tremendous mess of 1980s anime tropes and unintelligible storytelling. And to help with the brain-melting task of interpreting Ai City, they brought along their college buddy Stephen. For better or for worse, this podcast accurately reflects the experience of sitting in a dorm room with the three of us talking about an awful ’80s anime. Before we get into Ai City, though, we discuss Fate: Grand Order, Dishonored, and Drifters. And in the questions segment, Evan gives tips on how to learn more about animation technique in anime. Topics include: being eaten alive by rats in your own bathroom, psychic power plays, and giant floating heads.
Show Notes
- Opening/Ending Song: “Blues Machine” by Scott Gratton
- David got tricked into playing Fate: Grand Order (fan wiki here) and now he’s hooked.
- Evan has been playing through the original Dishonored in preparation for Dishonored 2, and Stephen has been playing through both Dishonored 1 and 2. (Both versions are currently on sale on Steam: Dishonored, Dishonored 2)
- Stephen is watching Drifters.
- Baka-Updates entry for SYUFO, the author of the original Ai City manga.
- There’s a video on YouTube of just the fight from Ai City featuring with the greatest song ever written.
- Check out the other reviews of Ai City from our friends at Anime World Order and Dave & Joel’s Fast Karate for the Gentleman.
- For fans interested in learning about animation in anime, check out AniPages, Sakuga Blog, SakugaBooru, and sakuga MADs on YouTube. And read Evan’s new article in Otaku USA!
- Twitter: Ani-Gamers, Evan, David
- Evan writes for Otaku USA Magazine, and contributed a feature about sakuga fandom to the new Anime USA special issue.
- Evan was a guest on the Crunchycast, the podcast he used to host on Crunchyroll.