Let’s be real though, that second part is more important.
David and I are headed to Troy, NY next weekend, March 2-4, for our annual visit to Genericon, the convention I used to staff during college. I’m hosting three of my own panels, but also, like last year, I’m the liason for the con’s guests, who hail from none other than anime studio Trigger (Kill la Kill, Little Witch Academia, Darling in the Franxx). This year it’s a slightly different group, however: studio president Masahiko Otsuka, producer Kazuya Masumoto, and star animator Takafumi Hori (check out our interview with Hori and some other Trigger folks from AnimeNEXT 2015). Genericon is a relatively small convention, so it’s a nice chance to get up close and personal with these incredible artists. If you can attend, I highly recommend it!
I’ve listed both my panels and Trigger’s events below. I’d love to attend other events but who knows if I’ll have any time. You should be able to at least me at all of these (and probably David too)!
- CG Anime Is Good (No, Really!), Friday, 7:10pm–8:10pm, Panel Room 3. My new panel making the case that CG anime isn’t as bad as you think it is.
- Anime Burger Time, Saturday, 11:20am–12:20pm, Main Events A. One hour of anime hamburgers. Lots of new clips. Bring Your Own Burger, as always.
- Studio Trigger Live Drawing and Q&A, Saturday, 12:30pm–2:00pm, Main Events A. This is gonna be a treat. Takafumi Hori is an amazing artist!
- Animation in Anime, Saturday, 3:10pm–4:10pm, Panel Room 2. An overview of animation technique for newbies and intermediate fans.
- Studio Trigger Autograph Session, Sunday, 12:00pm–1:20pm, Great Hall. Trigger autographs with next to no line! The magic of tiny conventions!