March is Patron Appreciation Month!
Exclusive new content for Ani-Gamers Patreon subscribers

Back in 2022 we created Patron Appreciation Month as an excuse to kick our asses into gear and make a bunch of fun, unique content for Ani-Gamers’ patrons on our Patreon. This month we’re bringing it back with Patron Appreciation Month 2024!
We’ve already kicked things off with a poll for the Tyranny of the Majority Golden Ticket: Patrons can vote on which anime, movie, or game to force us to review, based on suggestions provided by the Discord and on social media. The poll is running until March 17 so get your votes in!
We’ll be releasing a bunch of new Patreon content plus some fun stuff for non-patrons. Here’s what else is on the schedule:
- Podcast: Metal Wolf Chaos, aka “FromSoft vs Anti FromSoft”: Featuring Pat and David on the pro-From side and Inaki and Evan on the anti-From side
- Contest: Design the AG Mascot: Staff attempt to design a mascot. Listeners can try their hand too.
- Movie Watch-a-long and Live Podcast: Movie selection TBD. Livestream will be free, recording will be patron-only.
- And more!
Haven’t signed up for the Patreon yet? Sign up for as low as $1 a month to get the ability to vote in polls, access bonus content, and force us to review your favorite anime/manga/games! Thanks for your support!