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Oldtaku no Radio # 005 – The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Not only is OnR Episode #005 the first time we focus on a movie, namely Mamoru Hosoda’s The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, but this is also the first episode in which we host a most honoured guest: (exiled) Ani-Gamer turned UK Anime Network podcasting star, Elliot Page! Hosoda’s directing was the lure for Jared, who’d previously not seen this particular title, while Ink and Elliot reveled in an emotional re-watch. And, of course, reflective analysis on the philosphical and artistic elements abounds from all. Give us your ear for a little over an hour, and we’ll give you much to chew on.

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Runtime: 1 hr, 36 min

Show Notes

  • Opening Song: “Through the Glass” by Kaz Mirblouk
  • Ending Song: “Money 1973” by NO FUTURE
  • Twitter: Ani-Gamers, Oldtaku no RadioInk, Jared
  • Elliot is a writer and podcast host for UK Anime Network and creator of
  • Ink also writes for Otaku USA Magazine and The Fandom Post.
  • Jared also writes for The Electrum Edition and Wave Motion Cannon.
    • Elliot Page's profile

      A videogame, anime and manga enthusiast since he was a little'un, Elliot Page plays, watches and reads far too many things for his limited time and budget. Now, in an attempt to try and help others find the diamonds lying among so much mud (and also just to sound off) Elliot has turned to broadcasting his views on his beloved media to anyone who will listen. Elliot also co-hosts a weekly madcap videogame, technology and bear defense podcast at, and is also trying to get his hands into the UK anime convention circuit!

    • Ink's profile

      Ink contributes his own pieces and edits those of others pertaining to anime, manga, and games. His reviews and analyses have also appeared in the pages of Otaku USA as well as online over at The Fandom Post and Taiiku Podcast.

    • Jared Nelson's profile

      Jared discovered anime in the early 1990s through stacks of third-hand fandubs and Streamline Pictures tapes. By the tender age of 16, he was humming Macross 7 songs in art class, dreaming of Asuka Langley and hanging Rurouni Kenshin posters on his wall. A few years later he moved to Japan where he worked as an ALT (assistant language teacher) in Ibaraki and Fukuoka Prefectures. While he returned home with a deep appreciation for Japan, its culture, and its public transit system, Jared fell out of anime fandom and only returned in 2010. A self-proclaimed 3rd-level bard, Jared enjoys tabletop gaming and game design, video gaming, giant robots, history, comics, and most recently manga. He is also eternally late to the party.

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