Vinnie Averello from All Geeks Considered joins Evan to dive into the RetroCrush catalog with One-Million Year Trip: Bander Book, the first of Osamu Tezuka’s NTV specials. It’s an extremely weird movie featuring all sorts of wacky Tezuka alien designs and also Space Gangster Black Jack. Plus: the new Anilog YouTube channel, Great Pretender, and virtual board games! Topics include: the anime kids love Future Boy Conan, Bander’s sister-slash-girlfriend, and Sears catalog time machines.
Thank you to Patrick Sutton for editing this episode.
Show Notes
- Opening/Ending Song: “Blues Machine” by Scott Gratton
- Episode Edited by: Patrick Sutton
- The News
- A bunch of anime studios launched a new YouTube channel called Anilog with big plans to distribute older, unlicensed anime series in English and Chinese! No this is not a shot across the bow at Crunchyroll and FUNimation, despite what certain angry nerds online said about it.
- The Queue
- Vinnie is playing the online tabletop game Teotihuacan: City of Gods on Board Game Arena.
- Evan is watching Great Pretender.
- The Review: One Million Year Trip: Bander Book
- Name drops: Osamu Tezuka, NTV Super Special, RetroCrush, Marine Express, Tezuka Productions, Mushi Production, Astro Boy, Black Jack, Princess Knight, Jungle Emperor Leo, Vertical, Ed Chavez, MW, Ode to Kirihito, Ayako, Three-Eyed One, Belladonna of Sadness, Cleopatra, Tales from a Certain Street Corner.
- Twitter: Evan, Vinnie, Ani-Gamers
- Mastodon: Evan
- Vinnie writes and podcasts at All Geeks Considered.
- Evan writes for Otaku USA Magazine and Anime News Network.
- Evan sometimes updates his side blog Anime Burger Time.