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Ani-Gamers Podcast #127 – Die-Harderman

Die-Hardman from Death Stranding. He’s a black man wearing a black skull-shaped mask.

Evan and David had to postpone the Pokémon episode until January, so in the last AGP episode of 2019 the hosts check in for some news and anime/video game discussion. We cover GKids’ license of Tokyo Godfathers, the state of animator pay in Japan, the new Xbox with the silly name, and the complete revamp of Amazon’s colonialism simulator New World. In the queue segment, David is watching the 1990 Moomin anime series and Evan is working his way through Death Stranding. Topics include: Xbox Zero, Kojima’s rope-grabbing threesome, and Taxi Driverman.

Show Notes

  • David Estrella's profile

    David has been in the same room as people who write for anime magazines and websites.

  • Evan Minto's profile

    Evan is the Editor-in-chief of Ani-Gamers, a freelance reviewer for Otaku USA Magazine, and a frequent anime convention panelist. You can read his ravings about anime, manga, games, politics, music, and more on Twitter @VamptVo.

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