David and Evan are back for a regularly scheduled Ani-Gamers Podcast to talk about Metal Gear Solid (both 4 and 5), Mob Psycho 100, and Space Patrol Luluco, but more importantly: the whole world has gone crazy for Pokémon Go and our hosts are no exception. Topics include: sakuga/cours sympathizers, real-life Team Rocket, and Studio Trigger performance art. Also featuring David’s nephew making a lot of noise in the background. I did my best to mask a lot of the background noise, but David’s audio is still a little wonky sometimes.
Show Notes
- Opening Song: “Blues Machine” by Scott Gratton
- Evan just got back from a bunch of conventions, including FanimeCon, A-Kon, AnimeNEXT, and Anime Expo, so he talks about some of them.
- David just finished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and Evan is currently playing Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
- Both hosts are playing way too much Pokémon Go.
- Evan and David finished Space Patrol Luluco. They also discuss more projects from Studio TRIGGER, including Inferno Cop, Little Witch Academia, Sex & Violence with Machspeed, Kill la Kill, and Kiznaiver.
- Evan is watching Mob Psycho 100 in the summer anime season.
- Twitter: Ani-Gamers, Evan, David
- Evan hosts the Crunchycast podcast on Crunchyroll and writes for Otaku USA Magazine.
- Evan and David will be at Otakon in Baltimore in August.
- Ending Song: “Blues Machine” by Scott Gratton