Just when you thought it was time for us to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, both of our hosts went back to their old college anime/sci-fi/gaming con, Genericon, which Evan was once the chair of. (Evan Minto, by the way, is our absent-minded host who forgot to introduce himself this episode.) We got a chance to sit down with Nick Grippo, the Public Relations Coordinator (Evan’s old job!) and Guest coordinator for the convention on Saturday night, the busiest night of the weekend. Topics include reverse Chinese foot-binding, the legend of Genericon’s baked beans, and Brony terrorism.
- Opening Song: “Blues Machine” by Scott Gratton
- Genericon’s official website
- Igor Vamos gets name-dropped in this episode. He’s a founding member of a “culture jamming” group called The Yes Men and is a professor at RPI, where he teaches “Intermediate Imaging,” a class that Nick is currently taking.
- Twitter: Ani-Gamers, Evan, David, Genericon
- Evan hosts the Crunchycast podcast on Crunchyroll and writes for Otaku USA Magazine.
- Ending Song: “Blues Machine” by Scott Gratton
- Some relevant photos below:
David’s Himouto! Umaru-chan hoodie:

Genericon’s official Baked Beans 2.0:

The illustrious cast of the Convention Elections panel:

The very special Brony badges that Genericon made for Evan this year: