Once upon a time, Kory Cerjak, host of the sports anime-centric Taiiku Podcast, had a horrible idea. He decided to review the wrestling anime Wanna Be the Strongest in the World. But he wasn’t willing to do it alone. Oh no. Since misery loves company (or is it because cowardice loves deflection?), Kory decided to drag wrestling aficionado Patz, notorious anime hater Tony, and me into the mix. Why me? (You simply cannot conceive of how many times I asked myself that same question while watching Strongest.) Well, by way of apology or pity for his choice of features, Kory also wanted to talk about a favorite of mine: Short Peace. Despite the HIGH price of admission, I, like everyone else, gave in (or rather gave up) and had a grand time for doing so. Screw the whole “best Love Live” debate, grow your appreciation of good anime by listening to us argue best Short Peace and then laugh your jaws off while counting how many times Patz swears uncontrollably while talking about Stongest.
Taiiku Podcast Episode #5
For more, check out Ink’s Short Peace review on Fandom Post and his Snapshot about the intro.