Sorry for the short notice on this post, but I’ve had a rather hectic week. As a matter of fact, this was in part because of my job as the Public Relations Coordinator for Genericon XXIII, the twenty-third annual anime/sci-fi/gaming convention held at my university, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY)! The con starts up at 5:00 PM tomorrow, and I’ll be there checking in press and scheduling interviews. On Saturday, Uncle Yo will be here to perform his famous comedy show, I’ll be running a panel about anime character designs, and Vertical, Inc.’s Ed Chavez will even be making an appearance.
So, if you live anywhere near Troy or Albany, NY and have got nothing better to do this weekend, why not come to Genericon? The con only costs $25 for all three days, and it’s sure to be a fun time. I’ve included the times for Uncle Yo’s show and my panel below. YES, they were scheduled on top of each other, which I kind of had no control over. Anyway, if you stop in at one of our panels, make sure to come up to the front and let us know that you read the site!
- Uncle Yo Show: 3-5 PM in DCC 308
- The Changing Faces of Anime (my panel): 4-5 PM in CII 3051
- Genericon Site
- Convention Schedule