You’ve read our blogs and heard our podcasts, but now you can watch me and all of my blogger cohorts make fools of ourselves in real life at our “Bloggers Roundtable” panel at New York Anime Festival 2009. The entire panel was captured by Anime Diet‘s Moritheil, so head on over to their site to watch the video. It was a pretty fun panel, even though we were scheduled opposite the Cosplay Masquerade, resulting in lackluster attendance. What really surprised me about it, however, is that we managed to move from very basic, pseudo-self-promotional discussion to some quite interesting conversations with the audience about blogger-reader expectations and the importance of comments in the general anime discourse.
The panelists include the writers from Anime Almanac, Anime Vice, Anime wa Bakuhatsu da, Manga Worth Reading, The Gaming Dungeon,, Ogiue Maniax, Reverse Thieves, and Subatomic Brainfreeze. Oh, and Ed Chavez, previously of the MangaCast (now Marketing Director at Vertical, Inc.), comes up to the panel partway through to contribute his own thoughts and opinions to the conversation.