So I just finished up my travel plans (at the last minute of course) for the New York Anime Festival, which I now have to take a bus to reach thanks to my educational relocation (see: college) to upstate New York. So what this means for you, the reader, is that I will be providing up-to-the-minute coverage of the convention throughout the weekend. While I won’t be at all of the industry panels, you can look forward to all of the news from Del Rey, Bandai Entertainment, and Viz Media, as well as a writeup of the Yoshiyuki Tomino Q&A and (possibly) another super-secret article from an event occurring outside of the con.
What’s more, I’ll be up on stage for a massive panel about anime/manga blogging, featuring the bloggers from the Reverse Thieves, Ogiue Maniax, Anime Almanac, The Gaming Dungeon, Anime Vice, and many more. So, if you want to hear all sorts of stories about the weird and wonderful world of blogging, or if you just want to meet any of us in “Real Life,” come to our panel, titled “Blogger Roundtable,” from 8-9pm on Saturday in Panel Room 4. If you’re looking for some more laughs, Uncle Yo is also performing earlier in the day, from 11am-12pm on the Apple Kissa Stage, so definitely check that out. And if you don’t get a chance to stop by one of those events, come to Uncle Yo’s Artist Alley table, where he and I will be hanging out throughout the weekend. We hope to see you there!
That’s about it. After the break, I’ve included my current schedule of panels and events, so you can stalk me and I can subsequently file a restraining order against you.
5:00pm-6:00pm Arrive in NYC
9:00pm-9:30pm Cencoroll (I heard that this was a pretty cool movie, and it’s short to boot!)
11:00am-12:00pm Del Rey (Industry news, bowties to the max)
12:15pm-1:15pm Bandai Entertainment (Sorry, I’ve got no snarky comments for you Bandai)
1:45pm-2:45pm Yoshiyuki Tomino Q&A (or, alternatively, Manga Entertainment industry panel)
8:00pm-9:00pm Blogger Roundtable (I’m on this panel. BE THERE.)
11:15am-12:15pm Gurren Lagann: The Movie (More burning spirit > less burning spirit)
12:15pm-1:15pm Viz Media (A new volume of Naruto will come out EVERY HOUR!)
1:30pm-2:30pm State of the Anime and Manga Industries (Big trouble. The end.)
3:00pm-4:00pm CPM Retrospective (Baww, we’ll miss you Central Park Media)
4:00pm-5:00pm Anime Recruitment (run by your friends and mine, the Reverse Thieves)
6:20pm Depart NYC