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Meirri Kurisumasu Minna-san!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
It’s a little late, but it wouldn’t be AniGamers without crippling tardiness, right?

I hope all of our readers had a happy and safe Christmas, whether they were celebrating the holiday or just enjoying their day off from work/school. I know I had a good day, relaxing in my pajamas for 24 hours without ever needing to drive out and see relatives or anything. Want to talk to our forums members about how your holiday season’s been going? Feel free to head on over to our Holiday Gifts Megathread and tell people about that embarrassing pair of flowered underwear your buddy gave you as a prank.

Enjoy the rest of your time off from school and work, my friends. AniGamers will be back in business as of tomorrow (or today, since this was posted after midnight), with what will hopefully be a long-overdue New York Anime Festival con report. Let’s see if we can get it out before AWO does. It shouldn’t be that hard, eh Daryl?

  • Evan Minto's profile

    Evan is the Editor-in-chief of Ani-Gamers, a freelance reviewer for Otaku USA Magazine, and a frequent anime convention panelist. You can read his ravings about anime, manga, games, politics, music, and more on Twitter @VamptVo.

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