This is one of those moments where you really wish you were at E3. I’m getting conflicting reports from multiple sources involving the recent PS3 not-so-price-drop. When asked about David Reeves’ comments on the American price drop, a Sony spokesperson said this:
“Those quotes from David Reeves are not accurate. He said that if they had lowered the price in Europe, that territory would have run out of their current inventory by the end of July… As announced this week, SCEA’s product offering in North America consists of a 80GB PS3 available in August at $599 and a 60GB PS3 available now for $499. We have will have ample supplies of both models to meet the needs of our consumers for the foreseeable future.”
Forseeable future. This could mean multiple things. It could mean what it sounds like, (but c’mon, you know that these companies never tell you it straight) or they could be ceasing 60GB production in July and simply planning on using their remaining stock in the “forseeable future.”
[UPDATE 1] Joystiq got clarification from Sony just a few minutes ago, when Sony explained that the 60GB unit has a lower price, and will go out of production. However, Sony will continue to sell its remaining stock, which they expect to last for “several months to come.” This is essentially the same thing as what Reeves claimed, except that Sony will not cease all sale of the 60GB come August. Officially, Sony is not going with a 2 SKU strategy. The 60GB PS3s are only being sold until they run out, and will not be a part of Sony’s marketing plan.
Anyone with any news tips on this matter, please send them to This post will be updated with any changes.
[via Kotaku]