Peter Moore, always the man to bring us steaming hot Halo news, has announced details on the previously discussed Halo film, and shown Halo fans a new model of Xbox 360.
The new live action short film, titled “Arms Race,” is a collaboration between Bungie and Weta Studios. The video shown in the press conference showed preparations for battle and various technology from the Halo universe. You can catch both the Arms Race and Halo 3 trailers here. Please note that Arms Race is a standalone short film, and that the shown trailer is the entire thing, not just a preview. Director Neill Blomkamp intends to use the film not only as Halo 3 marketing, but also as a way to get producers interested in his Halo film.
On the gaming side of things, Moore also showed off another new Xbox 360. This one is colored Spartan green, while the disc slot and other parts are painted with the orangeish-gold of Master Chief’s helmet. You’d think that they’d quit making new 360s and just drop the price already. I really don’t care if it’s green, black, or lightish-red. Just make it cheap.
[via Joystiq]