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Valkyria Chronicles Arriving Stateside Nov. 11th

Last week, Sega announced that Valkyria Chronicles, a tactical RPG set in a fictional 1930s Europe, will be gracing American PS3s this coming November. This PS3 exclusive, which has already been released in Japan since April, has been receiving a lot of positive buzz for both its art book style, cel-shaded graphics and its wide array of combat mechanics – which have you both managing large forces as well as controlling individual units.

In addition to the release date, Sega also announced that the game will feature both English and Japanese voice tracks. “We translated it directly,” says Christopher Kaminski, Valkyria Chronicles’ Associate Producer, in an interview with Siliconera. “We wanted to stay true to the original. As a matter of fact we keep the original Japanese in there.”

Since its release, Chronicles has seen some downloadable content come its way. When asked about whether this extra content will make it to America as well, Kaminski simple replied that such content will not be on the game disk itself. If you haven’t already, be sure to look this one up!

[via 1UP]

  • Maxwell's profile

    Maxwell has been a gaming enthusiast since the days of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Genesis. While currently an advertising major, he has high hopes of writing professionally about this digital time waster we love so much. He considers himself an easy going guy and will try just about anything with an open mind. Most of his gaming time is split between the PC and 360, though he does enjoy all of the major consoles. His favorite genre would be either fighters or turn-based strategy titles, while conversely harboring a dislike for most MMORPGs.

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