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Okay, this is just tiring

Cracker Launcher - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
I’ve decided on a new way to report Super Smash Bros. Dojo news, since it’s too much for one person to handle like this. I will post an overview every few days going over what Sakurai has announced and my opinions and hopes for the game. Let’s call it “Dojo Day” for now.

As for today’s update, it consists of a new item called the Cracker Launcher. This weapon does not shoot either crispy baked snacks or white people, as you may be lead to believe, but fireworks. They will launch out in whatever direction you press with your analog stick. The Cracker Launcher (how can one not laugh?) looks very cool, almost like…a rocket launcher! *cough* Solid Snake *cough*

  • Evan Minto's profile

    Evan is the Editor-in-chief of Ani-Gamers, a freelance reviewer for Otaku USA Magazine, and a frequent anime convention panelist. You can read his ravings about anime, manga, games, politics, music, and more on Twitter @VamptVo.

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